


The Dallas Cowboys football team is about as close to a pro sports team as Arkansas gets. We Arkansans relate to them because their current owner, Jerry Jones, and their former coach, Jimmy Johnson, both harken from Arkansas. And their alma mater, the U of A, is a feeder school for the team’s new recruits.

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It is hard to believe, in this day and age, that small men with big egos are still willing and able to wage war on innocent women and children. If you could get through his carefully narrated propaganda campaign, you might argue he is doing this for his country, if his countrymen weren’t protesting in the streets.

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It has been almost three months since FAB expanded to Miami and many of my readers have asked for an update. I am happy to report that the Miami team met their sales goal in both September and October and this November looks to be the same.

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Covid has reared its ugly head again and so have my sleepless nights. Another COVID-19 outbreak will not only cost lives but, again, effect the world’s economy. In the microcosmic world of FAB, the concerns are the same. How would a Covid outbreak affect our company productivity and financial health?

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It is not an easy decision to retire from a life of work. Besides the obvious monetary changes to be considered, there is also the uncertainty of an idle lifestyle, and the connection between your ego and the question “What do you do for a living?” If one is retiring from a business they started and built from the ground up, one’s considerations and emotions could become even more complicated.

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In business, there is more to making a sale than just making the sell. First and foremost, there is the connection between the buyer and the seller: Can the buyer and seller communicate well, instill trust, and meet the customer’s needs in a timely and affordably fashion?

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