Up In Your Business Radio Show

Are You Gullible or Naïve?

Recently, I was talking to my friend and op-ed writer for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Tommy Foltz. Tommy is a deep thinker and even if you don’t agree with his opinions, speaking with him is always thought provoking.

In our conversation, when talking about the issues during this election year, he asked, “Do you think you are gullible or naïve?”

At first, I thought, “they are the same,” since both have the same synonym: credulous. But with Tommy’s help, I came to think deeper. It is my understanding that gullible is believing what you hear and naïve is not hearing enough. I suppose you can be both.

So, when it comes to your own thoughts and opinions, do you think you are gullible or naïve?

Frankly, I couldn’t decide.

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