Personal Up In Your Business Radio Show

My Intermittent Fasting Experiment

Bear with me as I tell you about my new compulsion, that I have just happened upon.

In preparation for my Up in Your Business interview with local celeb Lisa Fischer, I listened to several of her Lisa Fischer Said podcast episodes and learned that Lisa is a sufferer.

Beauty Really is Skin Deep

Lisa is pretty. On TV, she looks like a picture of health. But it didn’t take much research to find out that internally, Lisa suffers from six autoimmune diseases ranging from Hashimoto thyroiditis to vitiligo, and that her podcast is all about paying forward the health experience and knowledge she has gained while striving for a life of wellness.

In her quest for cures, Lisa began the practice of intermittent fasting in 2017. The results were so positive at slowing or reversing many of her health problems that she wanted to know more and has since become certified in integrative nutrition.

Prepping for the Show

Fascinated, and as part of my show prep, I decided to try intermittent fasting in earnest, for a few of my own minor health problems. I learned, to truly get the benefits from fasting, you must go 16 hours with no flavor; only water, black coffee, or tea. Many of us go for long stretches without food but staying vigilant and not absentmindedly popping a piece of gum, a pecan, or cough drop in your mouth, or even swallowing a tiny bit of toothpaste, was challenging. 

The biggest hurdle for me was eliminating cream and sugar in my coffee, but I did it and now my life is simpler.


Within 48 hours, I could feel the difference. My mind was clearer. The words for people, places, and things in everyday conversation came into focus. My inflammation was better. I recouped lost energy. But my favorite part: I found three extra hours in a day by not shopping, schlepping, prepping, cooking, cleaning, eating, and pooping foods! Who knew meals were such a time suck? To be inspired and hear the cause and effects of Lisa’s journey, listen to her interview on Up in Your Business. To learn from Lisa’s health expert guests, listen to the “Lisa Fischer Said” podcast.

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