This Keytruda cancer treatment I’m receiving for the melanoma on my nose is kicking my butt, but I am A-OKAY.
Surprising to many, election years are not good for the flag business. Sure, we sell bunting to campaign offices and pep rallies, but that doesn’t make up for the overall downturn in annual sales …
I have four children, three of which work with me and my husband in our flag business. This makes me happy. It makes all of us happy and (I think) makes my employees and customers happy.
The story of Matthew and Dreamland began in utero.
I was pregnant with middle-son Matthew Savage McCoy when I bought and restored the Taborian Hall with its Dreamland Ballroom on the 3rd floor. Little did I know at the time that he was going to grow and inherit my love of this old building.
You don’t have to be Mexican to celebrate Cinco De Mayo or Catholic to enjoy Mardi Gras. Same goes for the Lenten season that began this week on Ash Wednesday and goes ‘til Easter.
Watching the Grammy’s is an easy way to keep music relevant. But a few years ago, when Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion performed WAP, complete with a stripper pole and a big bed, and Sam Smith came in a red dress, I thought I may quit watching. Now, I am far from being a prude; I cuss like a sailor, have lived a women-libbers life, have lots of gay people in my family, and I do understand art is provocative and I appreciate that. But maybe, because of my age, this year’s awards show was getting too raunchy and political for my prime-time music tastes …
In past years, voting day has been akin to a neighborhood block party. Everybody knows everybody. As we all stand in line chit-chatting, we talk about dog-walking, the weather, and who’s renovating the house on the corner.
I can’t say I have always agreed with our local newspaper, The Arkansas Democrat Gazette. During Little Rock’s famous newspaper war of the ‘80s, I was impressed by the Democrat, a conservative afternoon newspaper, and their tenacity in fighting the Gazette, the Gannett-owned corporate giant.
So often I think of the Royals as fodder for the tabloids. But after learning about Queen Elizabeth II, her job description, and watching the ceremonial funeral and pageantry on Monday, September 19, 2022, I realize how much more they are. On that day, the people of Great Britain were united, gracious, and courteous as thousands of peaceful onlookers fell silent in respect and reverence for their Queen and their country. I heard one Brit say, “Today I am proud to be British.”
I wanted to wait a week longer to tell everyone the good news but, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I can’t keep a secret, especially a good one.
This is an unexpected trick I stumbled upon that has added some pizazz to my marriage and that I’ve shared with a few friends. Surprising to all of us, it works. (And, no, I am not talking about anything sexual.)
Sometimes I feel like I am shouting (my metaphor for writing) into the wind. Therefore, when I get a reply of any kind on my blog, I like it. It is nice to know people are reading my weekly posts, even if the knowing is sometimes coming from a not-so-nice comment or an unsubscribe.
It is hard to believe, in this day and age, that small men with big egos are still willing and able to wage war on innocent women and children. If you could get through his carefully narrated propaganda campaign, you might argue he is doing this for his country, if his countrymen weren’t protesting in the streets.
At the funeral for a friend’s father, I thought about the deceased.…
After 40+ years in business I had my first ever mandatory evacuation by the Little Rock Fire Department.
It was late morning on Tuesday when everyone in our conference room started smelling gas. Before long, we were all standing in the hall wondering, “Where is that coming from?” and claiming it’s worse in our room than anyone else’s.