
Seasonal Depression & Stutz

As the weather changes, you may be like me and begin to feel the effects of seasonal depression. The phenomena is so prevalent that healthcare providers have even given it a name and an acronym:  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a type of depression that happens around the end of October with the symptoms being a lack of energy and feeling of hopelessness. Many connect it to the reduction in sunlight, but I think my onset is more from being cold. I don’t like to be cold.

The X Factor

No human is exempt from mood swings and bouts of sadness, but some people suffer more. Recognizing the symptoms and having some tools in your toolbox for combating what I like to call the “devil speak” in our heads is important to break and keep the negative feelings from spiraling.

Recently I watched Jonah Hill’s documentary called Stutz. In this movie, they call devil speak “X”. Watching Jonah and Mr. Stutz talk so candidly is a nice reminder of our human frailties and our frequent inaction to combat those frailties, especially when you are in a weird headspace.

I Read Lots of Self Help Books    

Self help books are often repetitive information framed in different ways. I particularly like the way the Stutz documentary framed their action steps.

I will say the documentary was a little longer than it needed to be, but I will also say, about halfway through, there is a reveal; a peak behind the curtain. I won’t tell you what it is but there is a twist to the story.

Even though we are all the same, we are also all different. My husband Grady fell asleep during the documentary while I took copious notes.

*The image at the top of this post is from this Medium article.

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