

small business shipping - fedex- amazon

Amazon is putting the squeeze on small businesses in ways you might not have thought of. Everyone knows Amazon sells everything cheap (remember when they only sold books?).  But another big part of their schtick is selling shipping cheap or, better yet, giving it away for free. So, who is paying the shipping companies? The nice guys at Amazon?

So often I think of the Royals as fodder for the tabloids. But after learning about Queen Elizabeth II, her job description, and watching the ceremonial funeral and pageantry on Monday, September 19, 2022, I realize how much more they are. On that day, the people of Great Britain were united, gracious, and courteous as thousands of peaceful onlookers fell silent in respect and reverence for their Queen and their country. I heard one Brit say, “Today I am proud to be British.”

As the smell of Fall fills the morning air and the end of another year approaches, I begin to let my mind wander. One of my weirder thoughts is, “What’s going to be this year’s Word of the Year (WotY)?”

What a week. School started, traffic increased, my baby had a baby, my kitchen remodel culminated in my house, we had sweeping staff changes at FAB, my husband got mad at me, I interviewed a nun, and I had another spot of skin cancer removed.

We’ve had backyard chickens for years. We first got them when the boys were still living at home. Taking care of pets is a great way to learn responsibility. After the kids left and the last chicken died, we were chicken-less, for a time; all our chicks had flown the coop.

You know how, when you go to parties, the ice breaker between strangers is either sports talk or what-show-are-you-binging? It seems we are all looking for tips on something new to watch, and finding something that both you and your spouse enjoy can be challenging. There is no way my husband is going to watch Bridgerton; and I’m not watching Ozark.

I am so tired of the “F” word being overused. I feel like it has been stolen from me. It used to be one of my favorite words; the flair in which I used it was an artform, or so I thought. Like the younger me, this unmentionable word was rebellious, even against the law in public. But, now, it is repeated over and over …

Son Mattie’s time is about to get more precious.
Did I tell you that, in August, I am going to be a grandmother, again? It has been 12 years since we have had a new baby in the family and everybody, including the menfolk, are vying for the new baby’s attention.

Have you heard of the 10,000-hour rule? It was made popular by author Malcom Gladwell, who wrote the bestselling book, Outliers: The Story of Success.  Mr. Gladwell said you need 10,000 hours practice at something to be a phenom. To be freakishly awesome, and to be such a standout among your peers that your first name is enough to tell people who you are: Think Peyton, Tiger, Venus, Kobe, Oprah.

Everyone laments about all the negative news these days, but you can’t really blame the media. They are only serving up what we humans like to hear. I must admit, when CBS’s Nora O‘Donald starts her feel-good segment at the end of all her Evening News, I get up and leave the room to start dinner.