Dreamland Ballroom Personal

I’m Out of Party Practice

In the years before Covid, everyone’s dance card (so-to-speak) was full, and high-society-photographer’s evenings were busy as they party-hopped, taking pictures. But not anymore.

Now, when I get an invitation to an event, I am almost gleeful. It’s a chance to wear the party dress that’s been hanging in my closet for far too long. But, just like good luck, bad luck (and other things), party invitations come in groups. I remember, when single, I would go a month without a date and then get two “asks out” on the same evening. Such is my story today. 

The First Invite

A friend of mine’s son married during Covid and, like many newlyweds during those times, put off the party ‘til later. It was through snail mail that I learned about the nuptials and received the couples celebratory party invitation. I promptly RSVP’d, put it on my calendar for two months out, and looked forward to scoping out the new party venue called the Rusty Tractor, a vineyard in West Little Rock.

Second Invite

As the wedding party neared, another friend and her husband, both former board members of the Friends of Dreamland, called with their celebratory 70th birthday party invitation, and requested to use the famous Dreamland Ballroom.

Again, I promptly replied with a big YES, but when I went to add it to my calendar, I saw, to my dismay, it was on the same day as the above wedding party.

All’s Well That Ends Well, Except Maybe My Feet

As things do, it all worked out. One event started earlier than the other and one went longer than the other. I was able to don my party dress, golden slippers, and make both events.

By evening’s end I peered down to see swollen feet, felt a headache coming on from hours of imbibing, and realized “I am out of party practice.” It’s time to get back in training.

Happy Birthday and Wedding to all my friends!

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