Don’t ask me why, but writing seems to be good for everyone, even for those of us who feel they don’t read or write well. Just the mere exercise of putting your thoughts down on paper is good for one’s mental health and is the reason why, years ago, I started writing my life’s story. At the time, I titled my little autobiography, “Why to Go to College … NOT.”
I started my radio show Up in Your Business to pay forward my earned business knowledge. Business principles are the…
Unlike the winter of 2021 when Arkansas had a rare 14-inch snowstorm, this past week we had a typical winter accumulation of 4–6 inches.
It’s happening again. Another state, Minnesota, is adopting a new flag design. It was just 10 months ago, after 18 months of debating and $500,000, that Utah adopted their new flag, which I really like because it uses simple graphics to tell the Utah story.
Son Matthew uses the phrase “Keep dreaming,” when he closes his emails that go out to the hundreds of dedicated supporters of the Friends of Dreamland Ballroom. It reminds me of this quote from Thoreau …
Besides finding out my melanoma was stage one and confined to only my nose, the second-best Christmas gift I got this year was a new puppy.
As the smell of Fall fills the morning air and the end of another year approaches, I begin to let my mind wander. One of my weirder thoughts is, “What’s going to be this year’s Word of the Year (WotY)?”
What a week. School started, traffic increased, my baby had a baby, my kitchen remodel culminated in my house, we had sweeping staff changes at FAB, my husband got mad at me, I interviewed a nun, and I had another spot of skin cancer removed.
You know how, when you go to parties, the ice breaker between strangers is either sports talk or what-show-are-you-binging? It seems we are all looking for tips on something new to watch, and finding something that both you and your spouse enjoy can be challenging. There is no way my husband is going to watch Bridgerton; and I’m not watching Ozark.
How much can one really manifest through the power of positive thinking? According to all the self-help books I read, it is a lot.
Such is the nature of a busy life, when you must travel 2,000 miles to northern California to make time to see neighbors and friends that live two blocks from you in your hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas.
To be a good grandmother and expand my grandchildren’s world view, I took them to New York City over spring break. When I returned home, I found a lot had changed.
It has been almost three months since FAB expanded to Miami and many of my readers have asked for an update. I am happy to report that the Miami team met their sales goal in both September and October and this November looks to be the same.
I’ve been a longtime proponent of a global economy. But after the glaring absence of China from last week’s world Climate Summit, my opinion may be changing.
Well, I finally did it. I’ve talked about it, dreamt about it, and needed it for years; I hired an assistant!