
Relationships Matter

The social juxtaposition of my time in Miami and my life in Little Rock is glaring. In Miami, I feel almost alone in a crowd. I know no one. On those days when I don’t feel like putting on my makeup, or “dropping out” as we used to say, it can be nice.

But I don’t want to live like that all the time. I need my tribe. In Little Rock, I can’t go anywhere without running in to an old friend or friend-of-a-friend. I smile a lot more in Little Rock because every time I leave the house it is a social event, even at the grocery store.

Relationships Matter

There are a lot of reasons for not wanting to go out: too tired, too broke, too paranoid of getting sick, shot, or saying the wrong thing. All valid, but there are also a lot of reasons to go out. For one, isolating is not good for anyone. Humans are social animals. We need each other for both personal and professional growth, mental wellness, and even physical health.

Work Social

Socializing for work is called “networking” and it works well. You might think networking is just for salespeople, but all careers in all departments can grow and learn from this kind of experience. I’ve met many people at professional socials who have helped me advance FlagandBanner.com.

Recently, I met a lawyer who specializes in writing contracts for business acquisitions. Though I have purchased a few smaller flag companies on my own, I am ready to try something bigger and need a lawyer’s guidance.

Apart from making connections, there is the knowledge that comes from visiting with others. It opens your mind to new business ideas, market trends, and opportunities. To continue to grow, we must be open to learning about diversity and have insight into new perspectives and ideas. 

Personal Social

Enough cannot be said about the well-being that comes from having friends and family. Time and time again it’s shown that socializing reduces depression, anxiety, and builds meaningful relationships and emotional support.

It is not easy to be a good listener. It takes practice and effort to be a conversationalist, which stimulates you both cognitively as well as physically. If business is network, we should call socializing “webwork,” ‘cause you can’t call it social work; that has already been taken. 

But, whatever you want to call it, it all takes work.

2024 Vow

We all live in a vacuum of our own making. If you have been sheltering in place too long, it is time to say “yes” to all invitations. Life is listening.  The Universe is always ready to serve up what you need when you need it, but you must be available and ready to receive.

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