It has been a couple of months since Grady’s dad fell ill. As anyone who has been through a similar situation can tell you, there is a feeling of helplessness and a silent indicator of stress that creeps into your body’s muscles. For most people, the tenseness is in their neck, back, or shoulders, but not Grady.

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It has been a couple of months since Grady’s dad fell ill. As anyone who has been through a similar situation can tell you, there is a feeling of helplessness and a silent indicator of stress that creeps into your body’s muscles. For most people, the tenseness is in their neck, back, or shoulders, but not Grady.

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Sure, I can’t keep a secret; but that’s usually all in good fun. To be a tattletale is a whole other thing, and something I learned not to do in grade school . That is why I thought long and hard before writing this blog post and concluded it was my duty -a responsibility- to be informative and report to my readers something that could be life threatening. …

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Hey all, if you haven’t heard, I got a good PET scan report this week saying, “Stable exam, with no evidence of local recurrent disease within the head and neck, and no findings concerning for FDG metastasis”. In layman’s terms: I AM CANCER FREE!

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I am not sure I would know how to go about starting a flag business today. 50 years ago (yes, next year we celebrate 50 years), business was simpler. You identified a need, then filled the need by either door-to-door sales or a store front. And advertising was simpler, too, with only 3 mediums to choose from: radio, tv, or newspaper. All that seems archaic by today’s standards.

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