Want to peek behind the veil of Cuba’s secrecy? Well, here is your chance.
I don’t speak Spanish so don’t hold me responsible for what they are saying in the below video. I have no idea. All I know is Flag and Banner’s Miami location made this 25×40 ft. flag for a Cuban customer, and that this customer was nice enough to send us a video of it in use. This celebration is for the Virgen de la Caridad, patron of Cuba – In the City of Pinar del Río!
My favorite part of the video is looking past the flag and the people at the buildings and city streets. I was curious to see if it had changed since I last visited, and it doesn’t appear to have.
Untouched by Westerners
In 2016, my sons and I were lucky enough to visit Cuba during Obama’s brief truce with Castro. It is a beautiful old city with beautiful old architectural buildings that (gratefully) had yet to be razed by western developers. The chipping and fading paint of some of the buildings only added to their shabby-chic charm.
Visiting Cuba was like a walk back in time; no A/C, fast food, light pollution, noise pollution, skyscrapers, or gross display of opulence. People sat on their porches or inside with their windows wide open. From the street you could hear their TV’s or listen to their conversations.
In the evening we walked along dimly lit streets and through hot kitchens to climb narrow stairs. It was there on the rooftops and under the stars that you dined in the cool night air or listened to local musicians. Looking across the roof line was like a scene from Mary Poppins.

Flags Stories
Thank you to all our customers who share their flag stories. I am always fascinated by the many reasons and places flags are displayed which, if you remember, was the original intent behind the founding of our magazine BRAVE; to highlight your stories.
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