I have four children, three of which work with me and my husband in our flag business. This makes me happy. It makes all of us happy and (I think) makes my employees and customers happy.
One Got Away
After high school, many children want to go off to college for experiential growth, and their parents agree. That was not my wish. I wanted my ducklings to stay close to home. All that out-of-state tuition seems unnecessary unless you are brilliant -and I am talking MIT brilliant- because most colleges offer the same curriculum. And learning is not location; it is what you make of it.
And so, all four of my children recieved their bachlors degree from an Arkansas college. But even still one got away, so to speak: my youngest son, Jack. He didn’t mean to; it just happened. One out of state tuition grant after another and before long, he is living away. Because he is not around as much as his siblings, many people ask after him, “where is Jack?”
Well, I am happy to report he has finally landed in one place, though I wish it was closer. This week he sent me a synopsis of his life and work. Everything in a nutshell with some wisdom beyond his years and good advice for young people starting out. So, I may have to eat my words about the need to go away to college.
By clicking on that tiny link under his pic you can read his words and get a new perspective on horticulture, what he got his Phd.
Here is an exerpt , “I might be too young to be giving out advice. That said, mindfully pursue your interests with love and gratitude. Be open to change. Education (and life) seems to be more about discovering what you don’t like than finding exactly what you do like.” Jack McCoy

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