


It takes a long time to become a good Queen. I often think about Queen Elizabeth II; how young she was when given so much responsibility. I admired her British sensibility, bringing calm thoughtfulness to her important decision making.

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image courtesy Travel Weekly

This past Memorial Day weekend was reported to be the busiest travel weekend in history. How can that be? With all the complaining about inflation, gas prices, and food prices, I wondered how those two reports could coincide. Being my natural curious self, I did some research and was surprised at my findings.

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We’ve all heard the frightening stories of plastic by-products being stored in our body and the negative effects that plastic is having on our health and the planet’s health.

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There are so many interesting things about Winston Churchill. One that I can totally relate to: he took a lot of baths. Maybe that isn’t particularly interesting, but that he had his secretary sit outside the bathroom to take notes while he dictated thoughts and letters through the closed door, is.

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Watching the Grammy’s is an easy way to keep music relevant.  But a few years ago, when Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion performed WAP, complete with a stripper pole and a big bed, and Sam Smith came in a red dress, I thought I may quit watching. Now, I am far from being a prude; I cuss like a sailor, have lived a women-libbers life, have lots of gay people in my family, and I do understand art is provocative and I appreciate that. But maybe, because of my age, this year’s awards show was getting too raunchy and political for my prime-time music tastes …

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The social juxtaposition of my time in Miami and my life in Little Rock is glaring. In Miami, I feel almost alone in a crowd. I know no one. On those days when I don’t feel like putting on my makeup, or “dropping out” as we used to say, it can be nice …

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Once again, I am fighting the good fight against the skin cancer on my nose. The dang stuff just keeps popping up and the doctors keep scooping out hunks of flesh to send off for biopsy. Thus, I am working a lot from home via email. And once again, I am reminded how important a well written email is for the reader and for efficiency.

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Kerry McCoy and French Hill

We’ve had 5 months of a writer’s strike, 2 months of talks with auto workers and, according to CNN on Wednesday, more than 75,000 employees of Kaiser Permanente walked off the job, marking the largest healthcare worker strike in US history. And don’t forget, the actors are still on strike, and after this week’s brouhaha in Washington, I guess you could say the House of Representatives are too, creating the biggest chaos and a potential government shutdown.

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Little Rock crime stats 2023 year to date

Problem solving in groups is one of my favorite things to do. I’d like to think I’m good at it and, usually, people like the things they are good at.

When I read about crime in Little Rock, I am baffled; it peeks my problem-solving interest. Why does it continue to get worse rather than better? It makes me want to ask questions.

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I consider myself lucky that I no longer have to travel on holiday weekends. When my kids were young, vacations had to be planned around their school breaks, which always coincided with a holiday. But since then, I’ve avoided those crowded travel times. This is twofold; I’m graciously giving space to families with school time constraints and selfishly circumventing my own stress level brought on from overcrowded airports and delayed flights.

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Sometimes I feel like I am shouting (my metaphor for writing) into the wind. Therefore, when I get a reply of any kind on my blog, I like it. It is nice to know people are reading my weekly posts, even if the knowing is sometimes coming from a not-so-nice comment or an unsubscribe.

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