


As “Queen Mother” of my big family and the boss of 50ish employees, I make a lot of decisions and have lots of people (my family and staff) make decisions that affect me.

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Excited and shaking in my boots describes how I felt while on my way to Russellville, Arkansas to speak to 400 bright Arkansas Governor’s School students. I didn’t know what to expect. Kids can be a tough audience. But, besides middle-aged men, they are also one of my favorite demographics and, early on in my speech, I told them so; for which I got a round of applause and realized they were going to be a fun group.

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It’s nice to recognize all the moms on Mother’s Day and all the dads in June. I did a little research on the origins of Mother’s Day and found that it wasn’t until when Anna Jarvis of West Virginia honored her deceased mother, Ann Jarvis, in 1908 that this special day morphed into a holiday and a coop for Hallmark and other retailers.

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At least once a year, I need a little motivation and reassurance that I am on the right life-path.  I find such encouragement in self-help books. Much of who I am today may well be accredited to the decade’s worth of self-help books I’ve read. Currently, I am reading Be Your Future Self, NOW by Benjamin Hardy.

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Why is New Year’s Day so full of optimism? It’s just another day on the calendar; or is it?
On New Year’s Day we close the books on business, Christmas, and the Winter Solstice. Though the days from January through March are often cold and snowy, they are also getting longer and brighter, so it feels better; like a time for self-improvement, a time to plan for springing into action.

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When I overheard my daughter telling someone that her “PJ game was strong,” I had to laugh and thought, “Right now, that’s true for everyone.” Gone are the days of dressing up and going out. Now, a big outing is masking up for a run to the grocery store and back home for a night of cooking or lounging in freshly washed PJ’s with a good book, hard puzzle, or mini-series on the boob tube (that’s a TV for you youngsters).

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