
Our First Day on the Job

Our first weeks in Miami have been exhilarating, experimental, and exhausting.

Our first week as the new proprietors of Freedom Flag Company, now known as Miami Division, has been exhilarating, experimental, and exhausting for not just me but the Miami and Little Rock employees, alike. There are lots of little, but important, kinks to be worked out.

Working with these first and second generation Miami employees reminds me once again of how lucky we are to live and work in America. Even though their learning curve has been big, they never complain and always have a cheery spirit of gratitude. Their favorite catch phrase is “no problem” and they mean it.


As Grady likes to say, the staff in Miami are “quick learners” when training on our computer system. Though these Florida folks are well versed in the business of flags and banners, they are new to our business processes. Before September, they didn’t know how to write an order, quote, or purchase order on our software. But, then again, neither do I.

It has been years since I have worked in the nuts and bolts of FAB’s day-to- day operations. As Grady and I like to say, he works IN the business, and I work ON the business.

Recurring Theme

Not only does this acquisition present new opportunities for FAB, but it also gives me a new and fresh group of people to tell my jokes and sayings. Like this old African proverb: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

As I work on the new business, I see room for improvement everywhere and must remind myself to eat slow. This first week, I decided to start at the top. The top of a ladder dusting off and counting the inventory (one bite at a time).

This African proverb seems to be a recurring theme in my life.