Now I know why, at 70, my adrenal gland has given up the ghost, leaving me forever reliant on hydrocortisone. I would like to blame it entirely on the Keytruda medicine I took in 2024 for my melanoma, but I don’t think I can blame it all on the cancer curing drug.
To be honest, I may have played a part, because you see, I am an adrenaline junkie. No, I don’t jump out of planes, or fight fires, but I do thrive on business and social risks, for instance…
The story of Matthew and Dreamland began in utero.
I was pregnant with middle-son Matthew Savage McCoy when I bought and restored the Taborian Hall with its Dreamland Ballroom on the 3rd floor. Little did I know at the time that he was going to grow and inherit my love of this old building.
“Thank you for letting us, all of us, share in your dream tonight.” That is what Dancing into Dreamland judge and actress Joey Lauren Adams said to the man who, at the end of a duo-dance routine, got down on one knee, pulled a ring out of his pocket, and proposed to his partner.
In my mind, the term “dust bowl” no longer creates images of the Oklahoma drought of the 1930’s, described by John Steinbeck in the book Grapes of Wrath. Now, it describes my current work week.
It is hard to believe that last week we celebrated the 10th Annual Dancing Into Dreamland with a Tournament of Champions.
When speaking to young people, I like to relieve some of their college or career-choice angst by using phrases like “listen to life,” “go where life leads you,” or “kismet.”
At a recent Friends of Dreamland (FOD) planning meeting for their annual fundraiser, Dancing Into Dreamland, FOD had their kismet moment.