
When it Comes to Flags on Government Buildings, I’m a Purist

I am all about expressing oneself through flags. Humans have been identifying themselves, their clan, or their country with colored cloth as far back as anyone can remember. But, when it comes to flying the US flag on government buildings, I am purist.

Pride Month

As you have probably noticed, June is Pride month. On my recent trip to Washington, I was surprised to see so many Pride flags flying on government affiliated buildings. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way biased against the alphabet people (as Dave Chappelle jokingly calls the LBGTQ community). I proudly boast being in the Mom’s with Gay Sons Club, so much so that, like Dave Chappelle, I jokingly say everyone should have a gay son, or at least a gay person in their family (which they probably do).

But there is a time and a place for everything, and I don’t believe our government should show support on their flagpoles for any sect or group of people. I mean, where would it stop?

Government Affiliation

I also don’t think anyone should EVER fly the US flag upside down. Especially if you are high paid public servant, who is supposed to be unbiased in your job of working for the people, cash a pay check from the US government to pay your mortgage, or are sleeping and spending the tax payers money with someone who is.

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