
Road Rage (NOT): A Lesson in Driving on the Freeway

Does anyone else obsess about the people driving on the freeway? I have got to stop wasting brain cells on analyzing who should be driving in which freeway lanes.

In town, the freeways have many lanes, so if someone is improperly driving in the wrong lane, you can usually find a way around them. But on the more rural stretches of interstate, there are often only two lanes. That means when two vehicles (usually semi’s) decide to drive neck-and-neck, it becomes impossible to pass; this is when my blood begins to boil, and road rage ensues.

Know the Law

Years ago (that is how long I have been obsessed with driving), I was chatting with a successful banker who proudly said he likes to get in the fast lane and drive the speed limit, just to teach everyone a lesson. I was aghast!

Having just helped my kids with their Arkansas written driving test, I knew the law. In our state (and maybe all states, since these are federal freeways), it is against the law to drive slow in the fast lane. The passing lane is called the passing lane for a reason.

Just as bad are people driving long distances in the entrance/exit lane. You know what I am talking about; you are trying to enter the freeway, and someone who refuses to get over is driving in the right lane. I have actually had someone flip me off for trying to merge onto the freeway.

To recap for new drivers: you enter and exit the freeway from the outside lane, you pass on the inside lane, and you drive in the middle lane. Got it? Good.

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