

As “Queen Mother” of my big family and the boss of 50ish employees, I make a lot of decisions and have lots of people (my family, staff, and business partners) make decisions that affect me.

So, how do I do it?

I’ve learned to see breakdowns as breakthroughs and adjust accordingly. Quick decisions are often the easiest; something happens and you are forced to react and adapt. It’s the slow-burning, drawn-out, brewing circumstances that require much thought that seem the hardest. I guess because there is no big event, no catalyst of change, just a growing sense that something ain’t right and the tendency to let it ride.

For example: relationships, whether personal or professional, can be hard. Someone or something shifts from being an asset on your life’s balance sheet to a liability. Maybe its an employee not contributing to the company, or a relationship that once brought joy now brings pain.

Break down – Break through

During these moments, I’m grateful for the experience of my first husband’s fall from grace. That marriage and divorce led me to heal at Al-Anon, where I discovered the Serenity prayer; a tool I now apply to every decision, situation, and relationship in my life.

Try it now

Is something nagging at you? Are your thinking in circles? Then take a deep breath and ask yourself:

God (as I understand him) grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (circumstances and other people),

The courage to change the things I can (myself only)

And the wisdom to know the difference (this part takes practice).

With practice, decision-making becomes clear.

As I say at the end of every UIYB Podcast, “Be Brave, and keep it up.”

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