Family Personal

Has Your Marriage Lost its Pizazz?

This is an unexpected trick I stumbled upon that has added some pizazz to my marriage and that I’ve shared with a few friends. Surprising to all of us, it works.  (And, no, I am not talking about anything sexual.)

Three Gradys

In my family there are three men named Grady: Grady Jr, Grady III, and Grady IV. So, as you can imagine, whenever I ask my car phone to call Grady, it has to go through a litany of questions to find out which one is the one I want to call.

One day, in a moment of clarity, I changed Grady III’s identification to just “Husband.”  Boom. It was that simple.

What Happened Next Will Surprise You

Now every time I ask my car phone to call my husband, I get a sense of pride, of ownership and, yes, love. This feeling was so positive, I mentioned it to my husband. I told him how proud I was to be married and how good it made me feel when “HUSBAND” popped up on my phone.

Unbeknownst to me, he too had several “Kerrys” in his phone, all with different spellings but still with a filter of questions to go through every time he called me. So, he changed his phone to “Wife.”

We are now weirdly nicer to each other; we give each other a peck when we see each other and we have something I can’t quite put a name to. Maybe it is just as simple as using the word Husband and Wife, that is reserved for only us.

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