While doing yoga and drinking chai tea under the blaze of a full moon on the beach in Hollywood, Florida, I feel lucky, and small …
You know how your dog listens to what you say and picks up on certain words? Some of those words are useful for them to know, like sit, stay, or get down. But some others trigger untimely excitement when you are not ready to act on them, like walk, ride, or bye bye.
It takes a long time to become a good Queen. I often think about Queen Elizabeth II; how young she was when given so much responsibility. I admired her British sensibility, bringing calm thoughtfulness to her important decision making.
Men can’t pick up. I’m not talking about picking up girls, games, or friends that need a ride home from the bar; I’m talking about stuff around the house.
I thought it gloomy when my mother once told a younger me, “We’re not meant to be happy all the time, so be grateful and enjoy the happiness, when you are.” I now understand what she meant; life is just a series of peaks and valleys.
Not much makes me nervous but, for some reason, the thought of attending a Murder Mystery party did.
It has been a couple of months since Grady’s dad fell ill. As anyone who has been through a similar situation can tell you, there is a feeling of helplessness and a silent indicator of stress that creeps into your body’s muscles. For most people, the tenseness is in their neck, back, or shoulders, but not Grady.
Sure, I can’t keep a secret; but that’s usually all in good fun. To be a tattletale is a whole other thing, and something I learned not to do in grade school . That is why I thought long and hard before writing this blog post and concluded it was my duty -a responsibility- to be informative and report to my readers something that could be life threatening. …
Hey all, if you haven’t heard, I got a good PET scan report this week saying, “Stable exam, with no evidence of local recurrent disease within the head and neck, and no findings concerning for FDG metastasis”. In layman’s terms: I AM CANCER FREE!
Am I in a time warp? Did I just turn 70 years old in Maine? Reflecting and to name a few undeniable and poignant facts, I do have a 45-year-old daughter, a 78-year-old brother, an 18-year-old granddaughter, and a 90+ year old father-n-law, so I guess it is all true …
This week, I realized how lucky I am to have an old-school family doctor, whose specialty is helping people.
Our life has changed since adding our new puppy, Coco, to the family. For instance, Grady and I are subjugated to her bodily functions and puppy antics, and we can no longer walk freely around the house; it is a maze of toys and barriers. There are fences and gates everywhere in my home and yard. Coco is not allowed upstairs because, just like any unsupervised baby, she gets into trouble, and she’s not allowed out of the yard for the same reason.
One of the perks of living in Arkansas is our outdoor activities. Within 30 minutes, you can be out of any city limit climbing a mountain, canoeing a stream, hiking a trail, or picnicking in mother nature.
Motherhood is a thankless job but still one I would do over again, if I got the chance. When you are in the throes of child rearing, it feels endlessly tiring; but when it is behind you, you miss it.
This past week, while visiting our Flag and Banner store in Miami, I did something I’ve always wanted to do but have only seen on fishing shows: I took a fan boat ride through the Everglades! Because there are alligators everywhere, and I mean everywhere, we nicknamed the expansive waterway Alligator Alley.
This Keytruda cancer treatment I’m receiving for the melanoma on my nose is kicking my butt, but I am A-OKAY.
Don’t ask me why, but writing seems to be good for everyone, even for those of us who feel they don’t read or write well. Just the mere exercise of putting your thoughts down on paper is good for one’s mental health and is the reason why, years ago, I started writing my life’s story. At the time, I titled my little autobiography, “Why to Go to College … NOT.”