Sure, I can’t keep a secret; but that’s usually all in good fun. To be a tattletale is a whole other thing, and something I learned not to do in grade school . That is why I thought long and hard before writing this blog post and concluded it was my duty -a responsibility- to be informative and report to my readers something that could be life threatening. …
Hey all, if you haven’t heard, I got a good PET scan report this week saying, “Stable exam, with no evidence of local recurrent disease within the head and neck, and no findings concerning for FDG metastasis”. In layman’s terms: I AM CANCER FREE!
This week, I realized how lucky I am to have an old-school family doctor, whose specialty is helping people.
This Keytruda cancer treatment I’m receiving for the melanoma on my nose is kicking my butt, but I am A-OKAY.