
My Dog is Learning Pig Latin

You know how your dog listens to what you say and picks up on certain words? Some of those words are useful for them to know, like sit, stay, or get down. But some others trigger untimely excitement when you are not ready to act on them, like walk, ride, or bye bye.

To avoid these premature bursts of enthusiasm, my husband has started speaking to me in Pig Latin when he asks things like, “You want to take Coco on a walk?” He now says, “You want to take Ococay on an alkway?”

Early this morning, before I was dressed, he asked the same question in Pig Latin and, sure enough, Coco perked up and headed for the door. That is when we found out our dog is learning Pig Latin.

All this Pig Latin conversation has gotten me thinking is “Pig Latin” woke? Is it offensive to pigs?

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