Don’t look too closely, unless you’re gross like me and want to. No, that is not a red Christmas decoration in the picture above. It is an amelanotic melanoma that Dr. Chris Shewmake dug out of the tip of my nose. Gross!

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Little Rock crime stats 2023 year to date

Problem solving in groups is one of my favorite things to do. I’d like to think I’m good at it and, usually, people like the things they are good at.

When I read about crime in Little Rock, I am baffled; it peeks my problem-solving interest. Why does it continue to get worse rather than better? It makes me want to ask questions.

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I consider myself lucky that I no longer have to travel on holiday weekends. When my kids were young, vacations had to be planned around their school breaks, which always coincided with a holiday. But since then, I’ve avoided those crowded travel times. This is twofold; I’m graciously giving space to families with school time constraints and selfishly circumventing my own stress level brought on from overcrowded airports and delayed flights.

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As the weather changes, you may be like me and begin to feel the effects of seasonal depression. The phenomena is so prevalent that healthcare providers have even given it a name and an acronym:  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a type of depression that happens around the end of October with the symptoms being a lack of energy and feeling of hopelessness. Many connect it to the reduction in sunlight, but I think my onset is more from being cold. I don’t like to be cold.

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Kerry on the set of Arkansas Style

Anyone who knew me in high school might never have thought that one day I would be giving tips on how to be successful. From what I can recollect, I barely got out of high school.

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It seems like it has been a while since I have written about the business of entrepreneurship.
My daughter-in-law, the newest entrepreneur in the family, has hung up her apron as manager of Heights Taco and Tamales for more professional attire and a career as The Property Group’s newest real estate agent.

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Grady McCoy cleaning up after a fire in the showroom

On the afternoon of March 31, 2023, I sat at my desk while sirens blared a warning that a tornado had been spotted. For their safety, my employees were sent to the first floor to hunker down in the center hall. Watching out my second-story window, I scouted for possible approaching tornadoes.

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Son Mattie’s time is about to get more precious.
Did I tell you that, in August, I am going to be a grandmother, again? It has been 12 years since we have had a new baby in the family and everybody, including the menfolk, are vying for the new baby’s attention.

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The idea of a dancing fundraiser came from a young party planner named John. That’s all I remember about him, other than that he had short, blond hair. In 2009, he had followed a girl to Little Rock, started his party planning business, got divorced (or never married), and he left town.

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